After prayerful consideration, I believe the man named below has qualities needed in a future priest. Perhaps the Lord Jesus is calling him to this particular path of discipleship.
*Information for men being submitted must be 16 years of age or above.
Called by Name is a program meant to encourage laity, deacons, and priests to identify men in our diocese to discern the priesthood. It is our belief that there are many men in our diocese who have the call to the priesthood and are just waiting to be asked.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, we ask You to graciously listen to our prayers of intercession. Make our hearts like Yours, so that we may respond to Your call in our lives. Draw men from our land in the Diocese of Baton Rouge to sit at Your feet, listen to Your voice, and follow You as ordained members in the Body of Christ.
Inspire our clergy, consecrated religious and laity to encourage young men to prayerfully consider the vocation to the priesthood. We give You permission, Lord, to have Your way with us in our walk toward eternity.
This February, the Diocese of Baton Rouge will implement a vocation promotion initiative. Called by Name is a program that invites men, 16 years of age or older, to consider the diocesan priesthood. This program was used by the Diocese of Baton Rouge from 2008 - 2009.
At the heart of this program is the belief that there are men in our parishes who are being called to prayerfully consider the vocation to the priesthood in the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Parishioners throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge are encouraged to consider who in our midst might serve well as a priest and submit his name with the form above. There are many good prospective priests who simply are waiting to be asked.