Numerous trees were downed on the grounds of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland Church in Albany. A large tree was toppled near the church, and the storm also damaged the cross sitting on top of the church, as can be seen in the upper right. Damage, especially tree damage, was prevalent throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge. The Catholic Commentator will have the complete story along with photos in the Sept. 10 issue.
Because of the impact of Hurricane Ida, the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University campus will be closed through Monday, Sept 6. All campus operations and activities are cancelled including remote classes and Undergraduate clinicals. Graduate clinical students should contact their faculty and/or program directors regarding clinical assignments. If unable to reach faculty or program directors, use your best judgment regarding clinicals.
As your Bishop, it is with a heavy heart that I share with you news of Reverend Danny Roussel’s death on August 30th. Fr. Danny was a deeply devoted priest who was beloved by his family, his parishioners, and his brother clergy.
Whether it be science, entertainment, sports, food, drink, relationships, etc; we seek things to “heal” us from whatever struggle or pain that we bear. The things listed previously are not inherently bad and can provide joy, but they are not God. Yet we can fall into the trap of speaking about them as though they are our gods. The Lord desires eternal, intimate relationship with each of us, not as a collective whole but personally. That is the truth of what Heaven is. But while we are still here on Earth, we have the opportunity to live in this world but not belong to it. We can proclaim like the deaf man the truth and reality of WHO we are made for. Our calling as faithful Christians to speak of our relationship with the Lord that others may hear and come to believe.
Because of widespread power outages and other weather-related impacts, the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University physical campus will be closed through Wednesday, Sept. 1. All campus operations and activities are cancelled including remote classes. Undergraduate clinicals are also cancelled. Graduate clinical students should contact their faculty and/or program directors regarding clinical assignments. If unable to reach faculty or program directors, use your best judgment regarding clinicals.
In anticipation of widespread power outages and other weather-related impacts, the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University’s physical campus will be closed through Tuesday, Aug. 31. All campus operations and activities are cancelled including remote classes. Students who are enrolled in online classes and students on clinical rotations should contact their faculty and/or program directors for further direction.
Bishop Michael G. Duca of Baton Rouge issued the following statement Aug. 27: In anticipation of the approach of Hurricane Ida, the faithful of the Diocese of Baton Rouge are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass this weekend, August 28-29, 2021. The entirety of the Diocese of Baton Rouge is under a hurricane warning with conditions expected to deteriorate beginning Saturday afternoon.
Demolition began Aug. 17 on the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University Administration building on Brittany Drive in Baton Rouge, which will be the new St. Francis Hall.
Deacon Eulis Simien has stood by people in their time of need through his ministries at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Baton Rouge and as an attorney. Through his new role as deacon he will help them with the salvation of their souls.
Deacon Glenn Hymel first heard the calling to a vocation in ministry some 25 years ago, when he, his wife Carol Ann and their six children were parishioners at St. Lawrence Church in Fairhope, Alabama, in the Archdiocese of Mobile, for 13 years.
“There’s always been those hints of grace that have been coming throughout all my life,” said Deacon Michael Parker about his vocational journey to becoming a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Students at St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, like their peers, are having to make major and daily decisions in the midst of a world packed with distractions. Where to go to college, whom to date, what career to pursue …
On Aug. 15 the church celebrated the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Is this in the Bible? If not, how can we be sure that Mary was assumed into heaven?