Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge Executive Director David Aguillard, left, receives the prestigious United Way Impact Partner Award during the Capital United Way 2022 annual meeting July 21 at L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge. Presenting the award is Capitol United Way President and CEO George Bell. The award is presented to a nonprofit agency that exhibits extraordinary dedication and commitment to the community, is responsive to the changing needs of clients and the community, a model organization for collaboration and best practices and creates lasting impact through measured and proven results. The award was one of four CCDBR received, including Laura Holmes receiving the Volunteer United Award. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator
We have many photographs of St. Therese of Lisieux. Her sister Celine loved using a camera and took many photos of St. Therese, but there’s an interesting thing to note in those photos. The British Carmelite Sister Ruth Burrows once did a study of those photos and commented that in all of them, St. Therese is always somehow alone, by herself, even when in a group photo.
Stat crux dum volvitur orbis. “The cross stands while the world turns.” The monks of the Carthusian order who reside in the hills of Cologne, Germany hold this phrase deep in their hearts.
In response to Kent Miano’s letter to the editor publish July 1. Catholics believe all life is sacred, so owning a gun is hypocritical to that belief. When, as you say, “an assailant is kicking in your door at 3 a.m.,” the answer is not to take that person’s life.
Members of the STM Knights of Columbus council are, from left, back row: Christian Merritt, inside guard; Tom Sylvester, 2-year-trustee; Dan Todd, advocate; Harley M. Brown, recorder; Ben Moore, warden; William Dow, 1-year trustee; front row, James Stell, installing officer as district deputy and chancellor for the council; Frank Lacour, 3-year-trustee; Pete Peragine, financial secretary; Don Pourciau, grand knight; John Serbeck, deputy grand knight; and John Hauler, treasurer. Photo provided by John Hauler
David Dawson, president of Catholic Community Radio, that its Baton Rouge radio stations will begin a weekly campaign of praying for priests in the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
The Knights of Peter Claver Wilfred B. Ricard Council/Court 116 recently held an awards ceremony for the Junior Branch 116 at Immaculate Conception Church in Baton Rouge on July 10.
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University received a significant monetary gift from Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Sisters for the chapel in the university’s new signature building, set to be complete December of this year.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, through its vast array of outreach programs, has always been a pillar of support for women facing unplanned pregnancies.
The Mass readings for the 18th and 19th Sundays in Ordinary Time motivate us to place our priorities on “what is above” and avoid focusing on an over excessive accumulation of material goods which temporarily satisfy wants.
“Christ our light” the priest, deacon or cantor chants as the paschal candle is brought into a darkened church after being lit by the blessed bonfire. The awaiting faithful in the church respond, “Thanks be to God.”