St. Anne Church in Napoleonville celebrated May as the month dedicated to the Blessed Mother with a May crowning on May 13. Pictured crowning a statue of Mary are Hebert “Dickie” Daigle and his wife, Jeanie. Photo provided by Julie Adolph
In much of the secularized world, we live in a climate that is somewhat anti-ecclesial and anti-clerical. It’s quite fashionable today to bash the churches, be they Roman Catholic, Protestant or Evangelical. This is often done in the name of being open-minded and enlightened, and it’s the one bias that’s intellectually sanctioned. Say something derogatory about any other group in society, and you will be brought to account; say something disparaging about the church and there are no such consequences.
There are not many things that bring my heart as much comfort and joy as the combination of the Blessed Mother and what some might call “tacky” colored lights.
Bishop Michael G. Duca recently installed Father Charles Johnson OP as pastor of Holy Ghost Church in Hammond. Pictured at the installation, are, from left, Father Johnson, Bishop Duca, Father Cayet Mangiaracina OP, parochial vicar and Very Rev. Roberto Merced OP, former Holy Ghost pastor and current Prior Provincial, Dominicans. Photo provided by Father Charles Johnson
Ascension Catholic High School in Donaldsonville held their graduation on May 13, at Ascension of Our Lord Church. Members of the 2023 graduating class are, from left, front row, seated, Malorie Denham, Tatum Nguyen, Alyse Ourso, Eli St. Germain; second row, Raegan Tripode, Emmie Lambert, Jeanne Lemann, Trinity Reneau, Preston Williams, Joselin Diaz, Annamarie Mabile, Ella Landry, Celia Denham; third row, Whitney Simoneaux, Casey Mays, Calvin Delone, Jr., Jacob Latino, Gavin Richardson, Kaitlyn Brooks, MaKayla McKinney, Keagan Davis, Anna Schexnayder; fourth row, Bryce Leonard, Trent Landry, McCullen Pearce, Patrick Cancienne, Michael Clifton, Evan Bouchereau, Mason Pearce, Layton Melancon, Collin Brown; and top row, Cruz Cassard, Brooks Leonard, Trot Capello, Lashawn Bell, Bennett Vega, Landon Szubinski, Cullen Nolan and Matthew Truxillo. Photo provided by Ascension Catholic High School
As Franciscan University of Steubenville students wrapped up their spring semester, a large group of its undergraduates headed into summer significantly changed after participating in the school’s invitation to drop their smartphones.
Entangled by fear, confusion and sometimes thinking they have contacted the right place to have an abortion, numerous women with unplanned pregnancies reach out to Woman’s New Life Clinic.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in St. Francisville hosted its first holy Communion on April 20. Pictured is OLMC pastor, Father Brad Doyle distributing Communion and with the children afterwards. Photo provided by Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Father Brent Maher, pastor of St. Agnes Church in Baton Rouge, led a pilgrimage /retreat to the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama May 8-11. Thirty-eight people from St. Agnes and other parishes in the Diocese of Baton Rouge went on the trip. Photo provided by Margaret Lovecraft
Father Ryan Hallford, former pastor at Holy Family Church in Port Allen and who is on personal leave from that position and from his sacramental duties, was shot on May 23 in an incident with his brother.
The upcoming Sunday Mass Readings are pivotal for our mission as disciples to go into the world and tell the good news: The Ascension of The Lord and Pentecost Sunday.
The table conversations between students of St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge and formerly incarcerated people in the school’s Fife Student Commons were punctuated with bold questioning, active listening and laughter during a Teach-In on mass incarceration on April 26.
When it comes to times of stress, anxiety or fear, the first thing Catholics will do is pray … and ask others to pray. For some it means praying the rosary and for others it means praying a novena.
Trainees in the Mary’s Hands Network Volunteer Community Doula Program learned the “nitty gritty” of what it means to walk with moms in need during a session that was packed with information and hands-on activities at a training session on May 20 at the Catholic Life Center.
Catholic Schools students are taking a summer hiatus and spending time with family, friends and having fun. Most Blessed Sacrament School in Baton Rouge celebrated the end of the school year with a Mass and awards presentation at MBS Church. Making their way home are first-grader Haley Stelly, pictured on the shoulders of her grandfather, Wayne Weicks, Julie Weicks (left) and Elizabeth Baudoin. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
Bishop Michael G. Duca of Baton Rouge ordained two men to the diocesan priesthood at a Mass celebrated at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, May 27, 2023, at St. Joseph Cathedral.