Article from Louisiana Bar Journal (September 23) that includes Deacon Don Allison's story of being shot at close range during a robbery and attempted murder in 1996 and his process of forgiveness.
On Sept. 22, a large crowd got their first glimpse of the new St. Alphonsus Liguori Church in Greenwell Springs Parish Activity Center during its dedication. Their consensus was “it’s beautiful” and “very much needed.”
Bishop Michael G. Duca (right) embraces Father Matthew McCaughey during his installation as pastor of St. Theresa of Avila Church in Gonzales. Bishop Duca also presented Father McCaughey with a key to the church to symbolize the important responsibilities he has as pastor of a church. Photos provided by Angela Tovar
Bishop Michael G. Duca, left, shares a lighthearted moment during the installation of Father Paul Gros as pastor of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland Church in Albany. The congregation expressed its approval through enthusiastic applause and congratulating Father Gros. Photos provided by Baleigh Henderson
Bishop Michael G. Duca, right, embraces Father Martin E. Lawrence during Father Lawrence’s installation as pastor of St. Mark Church in Gonzales. Bishop Duca also symbolically presented Father Lawrence with the keys to the church to emphasize the responsibilities he will have as pastor of St. Mark. Photos by Cler and Joseph Roppolo
Thirty-seven youth in the Diocese of Baton Rouge received religious awards during the annual Catholic Committee on Scouting Award Ceremony Aug. 20 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge.
Bishop Michael G. Duca installed Father John Fahey-Guerra CSsR as director of administrative affairs of the Hispanic Apostolate of the Diocese of Baton Rouge on Aug. 13 at St. Pius X Church in Baton Rouge. Bishop Duca presented him the keys to the church and to the Hispanic Apostolate community. Photos by Jenny Gomez and Juana Almonte
“Good evening and welcome home,” said Father Alex Harb to a jubilant congregation attending the dedication of St. Sharbel Church in Baton Rouge, the first Maronite Catholic Church in Louisiana.
Father Cleo Milano, center, celebrated his 40th anniversary to the priesthood on Aug. 27 at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Baton Rouge. Bishop Michael G. Duca, Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Muench and priests throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge concelebrated the anniversary Mass. There was standing room only in the church, and many family and friends congratulated Father Milano. At the conclusion of Mass, Bishop Duca shared a light-hearted moment and encouraged young men and women who are thinking about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life to continue their discernment process. Photos by Darlene Aguillard
Answering the Gospel call led Sister Helen Prejean CSJ to accompany six prisoners to their executions and become a leading advocate for the abolition of the death penalty.
Maybe I’m writing this and no one can relate but lately I have felt as though I am making priority for everyone else’s prayer requests and not my immediate family.
Bishop Michael G. Duca, left, installed Father Jerry Martin as pastor of Holy Family Church in Port Allen on Sept. 10. Bishop Duca presented Father Martin with the key to the church to symbolize the responsibilities a pastor assumes in serving the parish. Photo provided by Karen Ardoin | Holy Family Church
Bishop Duca has appointed Fr. Miles Walsh, a retired priest of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, as Administrator of St. Helena Church in Amite. It is the Bishop’s intention to name a new pastor of the parish in the coming months.
Catechists in the Diocese of Baton Rouge spent time “sitting at the feet” of the master teacher Jesus and learned how to effectively touch lives with the Gospel message at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Baton Rouge on Aug. 26.
Bishop Michael G. Duca, right, installed Father Taylor Sandford as director and chaplain of St. Albert the Great Catholic Student Center at Southeastern University in Hammond on Aug. 20. Bishop Duca presented Father Sandford with the keys to the student center to symbolize the important responsibility of his role at St. Albert. Photo by Taylor Marceaux Bougere | Assistant director and campus minister at St. Albert the Great