Several years ago, Deacon Frank Titus committed himself to the greatest commandment as given by Jesus: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” This led to a reordering of his life and the start of his journey to living a more committed life to the church as a permanent deacon.
Deacon Mark Cloutier has experienced the adventures of traveling the world. He has seen notable sites of the Middle East and Europe, climbed the pyramids of Egypt, and looked upon the Nile River. Now he finds his biggest adventure in serving people as a deacon for the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Deacon Jeremy Doucet has been active in church ministries throughout his life, yet he always felt he was called to give more of himself. After three “knocks on the door” of his mind and soul over the years from two deacons and the Holy Spirit, he discovered that “more” meant to become a deacon for the Diocese of Baton Rouge.
Cheers and applause erupted as the three newest deacons of the Diocese of Baton Rouge walked down the aisle of St. Joseph Cathedral after they were ordained by Bishop Michael G. Duca during a Mass on May 25
St. Jean Vianney School in Baton Rouge celebrated the end of the school year with a field day on May 23. The students enjoyed competitive games and spending time with each other before their summer break. Photos by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator
Catholic Charities Diocese of Baton Rouge (CCDBR) is making a tremendous impact in the lives of refugees and immigrants who have recently arrived in the United States. With a strong focus on providing essential support and services, CCDBR is playing a key role in helping these individuals navigate through the challenges of resettlement and integration.
Having been surrounded by beauty and exploring nature as a French Boy Scout growing up in south France outside of Cannes, Daniel Rabourdin laments how children today are glued to their screens and not observant to God’s creation in nature.
This Memorial Day is very special for me, as I reflect upon the innumerable ways in which veterans have contributed so much to all of us in this country and around the world.
On May 4 the community gathered with the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to celebrate the unveiling of its novitiate house on the serene grounds of the Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center in Baton Rouge.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Baton Rouge celebrated a groundbreaking of the St. Louise de Marillac Chapel on May 8. The chapel, which is being built in the heart of the St. Vincent de Paul campus, will help those experiencing homelessness, hunger or poverty to be nourished spiritually in addition to the food, shelter and other resources they receive from SVDP. Pictured “turning the first sod” along with Bishop Michael G. Duca, center, and SVDP Executive Director Michael Acaldo, far left, are Deacon Eulis Simien, Robert Lunsford, architect, and representatives of the St. Louise de Marillac Chapel Committee, the SVDP Diocesan Council, the SVDP Special Works Board of Directors, and Deumite Construction.
En un momento histórico, las siete diócesis del Estado de Luisiana organizaron dos encuentros de los ministerios hispanos/latinos en los que dieron a conocer el nuevo Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano/Latino de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB). Las reuniones fueron organizadas por la Oficina Regional Sureste para el Ministerio Hispano (SEPI) de la USCCB y la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano.
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University's Board of Trustees announced today the retirement of University President and CEO Dr. Tina S. Holland. She is the University's fourth president and will leave FranU in the summer of 2025 after 11 years of service. The Board will soon begin a national search for the next president.
As the Church prepares to conclude the 2024 Easter Season at Pentecost, perhaps the people who are most caught up in the awe and wonder of Christ’s resurrection are the newly initiated Catholics, or neophytes, who were welcomed into the church at the Easter Vigil Mass. As they begin integrating into church parish life, they have the potential of re-energizing other Catholics.
During a typical day, thoughts may run through people’s minds like a tape recorder: “You’re a loser,” “you’ll never get past this, just give up,” and worst of all, “God loves people, but you’re the exception because of your sins.” These are influences of the enemy on the heart and mind, according to Dan Burke, former president of EWTN News and founder and president of the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation.
On June 7, 2024, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will be stopping in Baton Rouge on its route to the National Eucharistic Congress taking place on July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis.
The San Joaquin Valley in California is known for its abundance as a provider of many great agricultural products – especially fruits – for this country and beyond!
On May 6 many neighbors and friends joined the Diocese of Baton Rouge in honoring the Blessed Mother at a May crowning held during a daily Mass celebrated at St. Joseph Chapel at the Catholic Life Center. Catholic Life Television broadcasted the event.
I work and move within church circles and find that most of the people there are honest, committed, and for the most part radiate their faith positively. Most churchgoers aren’t hypocrites. What I do find disturbing in church circles though is that many of us can be bitter, mean-spirited, and judgmental in terms of defending the very values that we hold most dear.
Bishop Michael G. Duca of Baton Rouge announced today that Dr. Cynthia Ryals has been named Assistant Superintendent of Catholic schools. Her appointment is effective July 1, 2024.