Given declining infection rates not only in the Greater Baton Rouge Area but throughout Louisiana, I am now modifying several of our practices based upon medical advice, wisdom, and recommendations from state leaders.
Due to the changing circumstances because of the new COVID variant, Bishop Duca has recently issued several guidelines to priests and deacons to assist them in their ministry.
Bishop Duca has officially announced the end of the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass (on Sundays and holy days of obligation, or their vigils) for all without a sufficient reason effective June 6, 2021. The bishop also notes that masks are no longer required in church although we should be respectful of those who wish to continue to be cautious.
Bishop Michael Duca has issued the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Baton Rouge additional guidance as the state enters Phase III of its response to the COVID-19.
Although many staff members of the Catholic Life Center are working remotely due to COVID-19, please know that the Catholic Life Center remains open and continues to serve and support the mission of the Diocese of Baton Rouge.